Peer Superheroes 2023

Alliance Peer Nicky Bravo Pens Op-ed for AM New York on Peer Outreach

Alliance Peer Nicky Bravo shared her perspective on how Peer health outreach has helped her support vulnerable New Yorkers, and manage her own health needs, in a powerful op-ed in AM New York. As an Alliance Peer, Nicky has helped hundreds of New Yorkers navigate systemic inequities to improve their health outcomes. Thank you Nicky!

I found a community that supports and trusts me

I learned about Alliance for Positive Change from a friend in 2007. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to attend a group meeting to see if Alliance could help me with the substance use issues I was experiencing at that time.

I am so glad I decided to take a chance with Alliance! I found a community where I felt supported and believed in. I also found my ultimate calling in life: helping others facing similar challenges.


In the first phase of my Alliance journey, I worked in the Basic Needs Department. I got my food handler’s license and served meals to Alliance’s participants. After gaining that work experience, I moved on to another job for a few years, but always felt I was on a hamster wheel. After speaking with a friend who was an Alliance Peer, I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer training program.
I made the right choice coming back to Alliance. I felt so at home at Alliance’s LES Harm Reduction Center. I honed my Peer superpowers of active listening and resourcefulness. I help whoever comes through these doors—no matter what challenges they face—with whatever they need, whether that's a support group or medication-assisted treatment to stop or reduce their drug use.

Alliance has helped me maintain my well-being. If you don’t have your health, you can't help yourself or others. 

I am one of thousands of people whose lives changed thanks to Alliance's caring community. That’s why I’m asking you to generously support us this holiday season. You have the superpower to change lives by donating today at

Thank you for being our valued partner in positive change!

Celeste C.
Alliance Peer Superhero
P.S. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. Visit to learn more!

A life-changing partnership

“Alliance for Positive Change has been a life-changing partner in my personal journey and given me the tools to help hundreds of New Yorkers access essential health services and embrace positive change. Please join me in supporting this amazing organization.

”In my past, I experienced homelessness and substance use. I worked through those challenges and wanted to find a way to support other people facing barriers to well-being.

”In 2012, I was in search of employment opportunities, so I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer training program. I gained insight into my own behaviors while learning how to use my experiences to educate and uplift others. I lead groups on HIV prevention, harm reduction, and other health topics. I love giving people the tools to work toward their goals so they can become the best version of themselves.

”After a decade of doing this work, I can confidently say that my Peer superpower is my openness. I've learned to let others set the agenda and to meet them where they are. It’s so rewarding to hear clients testify about the advances they’ve made in their lives and to see they have more self-confidence.

”Along with critical professional skills, Alliance helped me create structure in my life and provided me with the economic opportunity to live comfortably.

”Alliance makes it possible for so many New Yorkers to thrive! That’s why I’m asking you to support Alliance with a generous gift. You have the superpower to change lives by donating today at 

”Thank you for being our valued partner in positive change!”

Mark G., Alliance Peer Superhero

I know that change will come!

“When I joined Alliance for Positive Change in 2016, I was at a crossroads. I had recently returned home from prison and wanted to control my substance use. I was eager to start over. Was I going to continue down the path I’d been on, or move in a more positive direction? I didn’t know if I would succeed or fail, but I had to try.

”I am proud and grateful for where I am today. I learned so much by becoming an Alliance Peer—it has been a crucial part of my healing journey.

”As a Peer, I am a role model.
I don’t always like going to the doctor, but I can’t encourage other people to visit the doctor if I’m not doing it myself! I’m transparent and honest. I always ask, “How can I show up for myself and others today?”

”I work with participants in Alliance’s women’s programs. It takes a lot of dedication. You have to have a passion for it. I make sure our participants get to their appointments and manage their health. My superpower is being honest and a good listener. That makes the biggest difference—showing up, building trust, and reminding people that change will come.

”Being a Peer is part of my own recovery.
I show up for work, manage my responsibilities, and have a routine. I have a great network of people who are there when I need them, which makes all the difference for my mental health.

Alliance makes it possible for so many New Yorkers to thrive! That’s why I am asking you to support Alliance with a generous gift today. You have the superpower to change lives by donating today at
Thank you for standing with us!”

Nicky B., Alliance Peer Superhero

Hope and purpose

“When I first came to Alliance for Positive Change, my goal was to get back to work. I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer training and secured employment. And I gained so much more along the way!

”In 2015, I was processing my HIV diagnosis and trying to find my way in the world. I’d spent about three years in and out of hospitals, I was finally ready to be part of the real world again. I started working with an Alliance case manager who connected me with quality medical care and other basic needs. With that strong foundation in place, I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer program—and that’s when things really turned around for me.

”I committed, and proudly stuck with the 8-week training, even when it was hard. I learned how to educate others about safer sex, harm reduction, and navigating health systems. I was honored to be selected to speak about my experience at the Peer graduation ceremony.

”When I was hired as an Alliance Peer, it was exciting to take the knowledge I’d gained and share it with others. Today, I primarily work with the LGBTQ+ community, leading educational groups and supporting participants with HIV medication adherence, which saves lives.

Being a Peer helped me make positive changes in my own life by giving me HOPE and PURPOSE. I go to the doctor regularly and I stay on top of my health. Alliance brought me back to who I was and helped me feel in control of my own life. I use the tools I’ve gained by being a Peer to create a positive change for me and for each person I encounter.

”My Peer superpower is my ability to listen and connect with my community. My clients often tell me that hearing my story inspires them. I’ve been in their shoes—and today, I’m thriving. I’m proof that they can, too.

”Alliance makes it possible for so many New Yorkers to thrive! That’s why I am asking you to support Alliance with a generous gift today. You have the superpower to change lives by making your gift to Alliance at

”Thank you for being our valued partner in positive change!”

Anthony R., Alliance Peer Superhero