National Mentoring Month is a time to recognize the role that mentors play in the lives of their mentees. Mentors come in many forms, and at Alliance, there is a cyclical nature of mentorship, where mentees become mentors to others.
Check out our inspiring mentor-mentee pairs from Alliance’s Women’s Health and Prevention Services Programs.
Naysika (Nicky) Bravo has been an Alliance Peer for years, helping clients get to medical appointments, and secure housing, even over the pandemic. She met Dr. Erin McKinney-Prupis through Alliance’s Peer Program over five years ago. They both are part of a team that mentors and supervises the women’s program Peers and both Nicky and Erin observe to have learned so much from working with each other as they continue to support the mentorship program and each other’s growth.
“Erin is an amazing, smart, caring, humble woman and she always puts her team first, her clients first, and I would be lost without her. She goes above and beyond without question and she has taught me to be a better wife, mother, and Peer. She is always available when I am not too sure of myself and she gives me the push I need to be the best mentor for my client and I am proud to call her my supervisor and mentor.”
We asked Erin what she enjoys about being a mentor and she told us “the most rewarding part of my job is being a mentor for Nicky Bravo. Together we discuss and strategize how to best care for her clients. Hearing the positive changes she helps her clients make and experiencing firsthand her skillset growth is incredible. She teaches me new things and helps me grow as a leader and support person every day!”
And Nicky’s star shines bright in and outside of her work with Alliance program participants. She recently shared her story of Overcoming Obstacles and Living with HIV as part of a Health Divide series on HIV by Verywell Health.
Guy Williams, Director of Prevention, has been mentoring for over 17 years and has learned as much from his mentees that they have learned from him, “Mentorship is the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.”
One of the biggest beneficiaries of Guy’s mentorship is Anthony Romano, who works with Guy’s Prevention Services team. “I could never imagine the amount of support that one individual could give to another person. During the lockdown, I couldn't think of having another mentor/supervisor like Guy Williams. He was always a true leader, always listening and making me feel like we are equal. Taking my ideas and putting them to fruition,” said Anthony.
The mutual respect these individuals have for each other is just another reason why mentorship is so important at Alliance. “I like to think we’ve been a home for Anthony and other people in the community, and a way for them to help other people,” said Guy.
Anthony Romano and Guy Williams.