Gary Higgins, a Peer Education and Training Specialist at Alliance, shares his experience of being diagnosed with HIV with MTV and Logo—and how his “sheroes” Sharen Duke (Alliance CEO) and Brenda Starks-Ross (Alliance COO) built him up and gave him confidence again.
This empowering video spotlights those living with HIV and the people who supported them no matter what. Diane Delph-Tiglin, an Alliance Peer and Trainer, is also featured alongside Gary! At Alliance, we make sure everyone who walks through our doors is lifted up, loved, and given the tools they need to thrive. As Gary says, Sharen, Brenda, and Alliance supported him “mentally and spiritually” throughout his journey.
You, too, can be a hero! Donate today to create positive change for New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS and other chronic health conditions. And, don’t forget to share Gary, Sharen, and Brenda’s inspiring story!