Alliance Community Heroes: Floyd Mitchell


Tell us a little about yourself, who you are, what you do, and what you brought you to Alliance?

I began my career journey in 1987, when I was trained by NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) as a Substance Abuse Counselor and Outreach Worker. This was during the height of the AIDS epidemic in New York City. This work became my passion. I found out about Alliance through my wife. I was semi-retired after having heart surgery and getting bored sitting at home when she met a member of LES Harm Reduction Center. I learned more about its mission, and I signed up to volunteer because Alliance’s work is very meaningful to me. 

Tell us about your program. 

Alliance LES Harm Reduction Center is more than just a syringe exchange. We provide referrals for those seeking treatment, we have counselors for individuals seeking aid, and we have a mental health therapist and a psychologist on board. We also help with Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)—all while stemming the tide of overdose and reducing HIV transmission. 

Is there someone you have helped create positive change?

I am proud to help many people through my work with Alliance LES Harm Reduction Center. One person I am especially proud of is a gentleman who came for syringe exchange services, and whose life was in chaos because of substance use. The first time I met him, he didn’t want to talk about anything. He said, “Just give me what I ask for, so I can go.” As we built a rapport and relationship, our conversations became longer and friendlier. I let him know about the many services we offered to help him on his journey. Today, he is in recovery and employed with Alliance after completing our Peer training program. I will never forget the look of pride when he graduated from the Peer training program—he is truly creating positive change in his life. 

Is there a contribution to this program you are particularly proud of?

I am proud I can offer my two decades of experience working with at-risk populations to help even more people in need!

If you could do anything in addition to what you are doing now, what would it be?

I have been very blessed to have found my calling. I do what I love: counseling and helping people. It is a great feeling to have someone say, “Thank you for helping.” I don’t want to do anything else.