Food Pantry

Midtown Central June Pantry

Alliance for Positive Change’s pantry days are our chance to provide program participants with many of the most practical and nutritious items they need. Though primarily consisting of shelf-stable non-perishable foods, they always include fresh produce like carrots and bananas, and apples and onions, to support a balanced diet. To learn more about our pantry days and free weekly nutrition courses, contact Taryn Miles at

Tacombi Tacos Take Tens of Tastebuds by Storm

It wasn’t Tuesday, but the tacos Alliance served program participants on August 9, 2023 were a hot commodity. Delivered from our friends at Tacombi, the vegetarian, beef, and chicken tacos have been a staple of lunch services over the past few weeks. Alliance provides approximately 30,000 nutritious meals to our program participants throughout the year, and thousands more bags of healthy pantry goods.

February Pantry Assembly with Pacific Program Management Volunteers

Our monthly pantry events across multiple sites rely on the support of staff, Peers, and awesome volunteers. This week, a group of volunteers from Pacific Program Management came to Alliance Midtown Central to help make over 100 pantry bags for participants to claim. Photos: David Nager/Alliance

Midtown Central December Pantry

Alliance for Positive Change’s pantry days are our chance to provide program participants with many of the most practical and nutritious items they need. Though primarily consisting of shelf-stable non-perishable foods, they always include fresh produce like carrots and bananas, and apples and onions, to support a balanced diet. To learn more about our pantry days and free weekly nutrition courses, contact Marcia Deer at

Photos: David Nager/Alliance

12/06/22 Lunch at Midtown Central

Alliance provides approximately 20,000 nutritious meals to our program participants throughout the year, and thousands more bags of healthy pantry goods. This Tuesday, we were gifted a delicious assortment of fruit, vegetables, muffins, and more than fed 50 program participants. Thank you to Paine Schwartz Partners for generously sponsoring this meal.