Alliance helps New Yorkers make lasting Positive Changes towards health, housing, recovery and self-sufficiency
Positive Change Thrives Here
At Alliance, Positive Change takes many forms. We help our clients overcome addiction, access medical care to get their health back on track, escape homelessness, rejoin the world of work, replace isolation with community, and lead healthier and more self-sufficient lives.
25 Years of Positive Change
For over 25 years, Alliance's steady trajectory of growth has enabled us to serve more people in more than ever before - making Positive Change a reality for tens of thousands of New Yorkers in need.
Alliance in Action
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Upcoming Events
Empowering New Yorkers
By addressing the underlying issues that contribute to poor health, Alliance's individualized, full-service approach helps people struggling with addiction, stigma, mental illness, and other challenges to get their health back on track.
Peer Training
Each year, we graduate 93% of participants in our renowned peer training program. These individuals who complete the program and become Peer Educators experience improved health and wellness.
Our Services
Alliance's services give each person the unique mix of support he or she needs to feel better, live better, and do better. Our free, multilingual services include:
Get Tested
Get Medical Care
Harm Reduction
Overcome Addiction
Escape Homelessness
Re-enter the Workforce
Basic Needs
How We Serve
Each year, we connect over 3,000 low-income New Yorkers to life-saving medical care and treatment.
In The News
Check out the recent recognition Alliance has received. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.